Members above at their sports day.

The purpose of the anime club is about exposing Japanese culture to others. In the club, members learn Japanese words and phrases, role play, and make Japanese dishes to try. They’ve taken field trips and have had many Japanese culture lovers to come in and talk to them after school. Many things happen while in Anime club, including making paper cranes.
When the members heard that there were eighty extremely ill children at Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital, they immediately started making paper cranes. The members sent the cranes off December 7, letting the children decorate their rooms with the cute shaped papers.

Along with making paper cranes for others, the members and Comnick-sensei love to make yummy Japanese dishes to taste. Some of the dishes include sushi, rice balls, and ramen.
Besides making Japanese goods, the members had a Samurai come in during November. The Samurai was dressed in full attire pertaining to what he was teaching. He taught the members along with Comnick-sensei how to properly hold a sword and fight. He taught the members stances along with certain moves. During his presentation he had rice mats soaked in water. When you soak the rice mats in water, it represents the feeling of an actual human limb. He showed how the sword would slice into a human’s “skin” with the certain motions and pressures. The students really enjoyed the Samurai coming to visit and showing them techniques.
Sailor Moon is another thing that the members of the club love. Sailor Moon is an anime about a group of five girls that receive powers and fight evil forces to protect their world. During Sailor Moon Day, the members will make lovely tiaras, wear those tiaras they made, and practice poses.
Before Christmas break, they members will be having a Christmas special. More details are to come.
In the near future, the the members will be taking a LARPing (live-action-role-play) trip in the park. They are not sure when, but they’ll be going in the next few months.