Lauren Hale (9) takes a goal kick during the Cape Central game.
Lauren Hale is a freshman in high school, and she has already accomplished so much in her soccer career. She plays for a few different teams, including our very own school team. Lauren is one of the few students who plays both the goalie position and a field position. For many people, watching Lauren play sparks an interest in her abilities.
Lauren started playing soccer for the Optimist League in town when she was two. Since then, she has played for teams like Storm, Rush ECNL-RL, Gallagher ECNL-RL, and now she is playing for the Gallagher ECNL team. According to the US Club Soccer website, the ECNL is “a top, league-based platform for both girls and boys players.”
Things like the feeling and rewards that come with scoring, a good save, or a compliment from a coach are uplifting to Lauren. She says, “The part of soccer I love most is the overcoming of challenges. It means so much when you are struggling with something and you finally get it down with consistency.”
One of those struggles for Lauren is overthinking. Her motivation comes from making sure that her mind is right before every game and being prepared for it. Every athlete has to discipline themselves in some way, and she does this by practicing again and again until she gets it right. Along the way, she has support from her family and friends and many in the community.
Some athletes wish they could change things about their career, but Lauren says, “I don’t think I would change anything about my soccer career. I feel that it is important to learn from your mistakes. And if you change something, who knows what might not have been learned?”
As Lauren grows and excels in her soccer career, her support base will increase and more people will be interested to see where this career takes her.