FCCLA Career/College Day
November 21, 2017
FCCLA is the acronym for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Careers are the central part of FCCLA, which is why every year our FCCLA organization has a career day at which a variety of different careers are showcased to the student body. This year along with the careers, many Missouri colleges were there to represent their schools and try to recruit new students for the next year.
Many of the careersĀ were represented by business leaders or faithful employees. Even if you didn’t want to learn about a potential career, you could’ve just stopped by for some cool treats like the mints that the pharmacy representative gave out. Colleges like SEMO were in attendance, and they gave out pamphlets to prospective students so they could learn more about the school that they’re wanting to attend.
We hope for this day to be another huge success next year by including even more professionals with information about careers and colleges.