Blackcats Balling into Fall
Seniors, Layne Massey, Taylor Barrett, and Haley Gilmore, look back on the good times they’ve had playing softball.
December 18, 2017

After Taylor McMurry’s speech, Callista Francis, and Mattie Whitworth gave their coaches a hug to show their appreciation.

Gary Ward talks about his last year playing soccer.

Natalie Amelunke receiving her plaque for cheerleading.

Amber Collier and Bailey Stamp tell the crowd about all the fun times they had and how much they were going to miss playing tennis.

Football captains Isaak Starkey, Mike Parrish, and Kenny Couch get up and speak about all the memories they’ve made over the years.
As the fall sports came to an end, the athletic banquet was a great way to end the seasons.. The night started of with the soccer, lead by coaches Daniel McFadden and Cory Carver. Soccer gave out two awards: Player of the Year, which went to Ruben Benitez and Most Valuable Player, taken by Nate Miller. Next came softball, which was lead by coaches Cody Huff and Mariah Allgier. Seniors Taylor Barrett and Haley Gilmore received the offensive and defensive player awards. Adrianna Whitmore, a sophomore, received Most Improved Player. Nickey Reutzel and Allison Humphrey, the volleyball coaches honored their girls next. Taylor McMurry won the Lady Blackcat award thanks to her dedication to the game. Mallory Mathes got Defensive Player and Melissa Wulfert was awarded Offensive Player. Cheerleading came next with their coach, Erin Embry. Jacquelyn Cowsert and Natile Amelunke got plaques for being captain and co-captain. Leah Lindsey’s blackcat pride won her the Spirit Award. The football boys, coached by Chuck Ford, Riley Bumgardaner, Jon Clauser, Jason Mills, Kurtis Davis, and Gavin Krueger, were next. Three awards for team captains were given to seniors, Kenny Couch, Mike Parrish, and Isaak Starkey. Last but not least, Ladycats Tennis, coached by Courtney Sikes. Taylor Starkey was given the Most Improved Player award along with Bailey Stamp who got Most Valuable Player. All in all, both the Ladycats and Blackcats had a wonderful evening honoring all of the fall sports.