JROTC Promotions
Members of JROTC are promoted to their new ranks
December 19, 2017
Recently JROTC had their semester’s promotion ceremony. This is when students can rise up through the ranks within the program. Rising up to a new rank is similar to applying to a college. You have to write an essay about why you want the rank you are applying for, and then you have to go in for an interview. The judges ask questions about the interviewee and his or her essay. This interview process determines whether the person gets the promotions.
Here are the ones who were promoted:
Cadet Blake Olson– promoted to cadet rank of Captain.
Cadet Britin Mercer- promoted to cadet rank of Second Lieutenant.
Cadet Caleb Reese- promoted to cadet rank of First Sergeant.
Cadet Caleb Cooper- promoted to cadet rank of Sergeant First Class.
Cadet Levi Cooper- promoted to cadet rank of Sergeant First Class.
Cadet Aaron Cooper- promoted to cadet rank of Staff Sergeant.