Champions to the End
Kylie Mann and Mattie Whitworth running to win the Scavenger Hunt
January 23, 2018
Jan. 19th the high school had our annual Basketball Homecoming. Every year we like to end our awesome homecoming spirit week with a pep rally. Student Council puts together an hour long pep rally filled with games, and lots of loud music.
We started off the pep rally with the announcement of all of the homecoming candidates and athletes. Gold Dusters started the pep rally off right with their annual boys and girls dance. It’s always entertaining see the talented dancers we have paired up with our slightly confused boys. Overall, the guys did an amazing job. The crowd started to get into the homecoming spirit when we finally got around to the games.
Our first game was the Dizzy Lay up challenge. Two basketball players and one class sponsor from each grade was spun around eight times and challenged to make a lay up. It was quite entertaining seeing all of the students and teachers either struggle to even make it to the basket or score with ease. To my surprise, the sophomores ended up winning the game even against our varsity players. After the sophomore victory, it was hard to tell who would win the spirit stick. The seniors and sophomores were neck and neck for the spirit stick. All that was left to determine the winner was the scream off. Since everyone knew the drill from Football Homecoming there was no practice round. The first round winners were the juniors and seniors. The juniors and seniors have been rivals since last semesters homecoming with the senior victory. Both classes were determined to be scream off victor. Once it was all said and done, the seniors won the scream off by one point and with that, it lead to their ultimate victory. The seniors had won both homecomings of the 2017-2018 school year.
This last victory was a great homecoming send for our senior class. As a senior I am proud to be part of such a spirited class. I know the junior class were not the happiest about our victory but they have next year.