First Responders Recognized by StuCo
These first responders do so much for our community!
February 5, 2018
This year Student Council hosted a First Responders Appreciation night at the girl’s basketball game. Stu Co honored the people in our community that help keep all of us safe and sound.

The Cherokee Pass Fire Department
The Cherokee Pass Fire Department was first to be recognized for their bravery against the flames.

Madison County 911 Dispatch walking out at the First Responders Appreciation Night
Then, the Madison County 911 Dispatch came next.

The EMS drivers for Madison County
The local EMS workers were next to be honored for their help during medical emergencies.

Madison County Sheriff’s Department walking out for the crowd.
The Madison County Sheriff’s Department was then appreciated for all the hard work they do in our town.

Some of Missouri’s Highway Patrolmen being honored.
State Troopers came and were thanked for their help with keeping our roads safe.

Fredericktown’s Police Department featuring a member of their K-9 unit.

First responders aren’t just human! This pup was recognized for his bravery too!
And last, but not least, the Fredericktown Police Department joined the group for all of their courageous efforts. Members of Student Council walked the different departments out and gave them gifts to thank them. Student Council reminds us that there are people in our town who go out of their way to keep us protected. Don’t forget to thank a first responder for the time and effort they put forth to keep all of us safe!