Bohemian . . . Push Ups?
February 27, 2018
On February 23rd, the Fredericktown and Farmington JROTC organizations banned together to hold a military ball. From five to ten in the middle school cafeteria, rock music played loudly and students danced wildly during the annual military ball; sadly, the Farmington cadets had to leave at nine.

The JROTC students showed off their wowing dance skills, some even slow-danced with chairs. Of course, we have to wonder what they’ve been practicing for this dance because during one of the songs the boys all dropped down and started doing push ups in a circle, which was strange to say the least. Most of the our school dances play lots of upbeat pop music, but this dance was all for the rockers. ACDC and Nickleback songs were played and people danced while singing along very enthusiastically.
Don’t think that there was only dancing though, there was also some wonderful food. Tables were laden with amazing dinner foods while there was a table off to the side with cake – everybody loves cake – and meats and cheeses. If you were lucky at the end of the night you could take home a meat and cheese platter. If you were brave you could have tried the grog, a concoction cooked up by some students, but only the most courageous of souls would ever try this brew. A mix of sauerkraut, green food dye, and many other interesting food choices, some felt nauseous with only a taste.
By the end of the night everyone had had their fill of cake, music, and dancing, as well as the grog, as they gathered in a circle around a chair while “Bohemian Rhapsody” played, the traditional last song of the night. The seniors all took turns taking a seat in the chair and showing off their dance moves while the people surrounding them sang along.