FHS Band’s Prosperous Performance
Ashley Yoder after she received a great score on her flute solo.
April 18, 2018
This year’s band contest was definitely a success as they received a two for performance and sight reading. One band member, Ashley Yoder on the flute, got a one on her solo performance. Ashley said that before her performance she tried not to expect anything just in case it doesn’t happen. Ashley’s favorite part about this performance was getting her results in and finding out she was going to state. This performance was different for Ashley because of the vibe that came along with it. Usually for performances she was nervous, but on this day she said there was a sense of calmness which definitely helped her throughout her performance. She said that she’s very excited for her senior year for many reasons. Mentoring incoming freshman in band, participating in district band, and contest next year are just three. Ashley stated that going to contest was a great part of strengthening her skills and confidence. Overall, band has been a great experience for her, as she gets to improve her playing ability and meet new people.