A Self-Proclaimed Hood Rat
Jenna Wood, a great friend.
March 27, 2018
At any school activity you can always count on Jenna Wood to get the party started. She’s a very lively person, and if you don’t know Jenna, you’re missing out.
Jenna is originally from a small town in Arkansas called Blytheville. She moved to Fredericktown her junior year of high school. Blytheville is a well-known town in Arkansas for its amount of violence. Jenna likes to think she is a “hood rat.” In fact, Jenna, most of the time, is very friendly. Jenna is a very energetic person who does a lot in her life. She is in several clubs like Student Council, Pep Club, Debate, Scholar Bowl, and Drama. In almost all of these, she holds a leadership position. She is actually the one who revived Pep Club this year and became the president. She works hard to attend college to eventually become a doctor. On top of all of that, she has a wonderful daughter, named Luna, who will be two this year. Jenna loves school and gives it her all. She recently accomplished something quite spectacular in DECA.
DECA each year takes their members to competition, and it only being her first year in the club, she went all the way to state. It was quite the accomplishment for a first and last year member. Unfortunately, she was not able to move on to international competition. We all still applaud her for her excellence in competition.
Jenna was awarded “Everyone’s Friend” in the yearbook, and that achievement is very true. Jenna is a very friendly person who loves to play Soul Caliber, watch The Office, and listen to Migos. If you have any of those things in common with her, you’re looking at a new best friend.