Band: Behind the Scenes

Molly Sikes

Freshman Jacob Yount warms up for the parade at the Jackson Marching Band Festival

Molly Sikes, Editor

You’ve all seen the half-time show, and maybe a few recitals, but what does the band do when they’re not giving fantastic performances on the field and on stage? The band is a big family that creates bonds through anything from helping each other in rehearsals to sharing memes in the morning before school. From pre-game to post-game and all rituals in between, here is a rundown of band behind the scenes.

It’s 5:00 p.m. on game night; Mr. Politte has just unlocked the doors to let the few band members who actually show up at the right time in the building. The rest of the band arrives one by one until the band room is a cacophony of horns warming up and “Mr. Politte, I can’t find my (insert random uniform piece)!” An hour later, everyone is quietly lined up at attention outside the school.

When the band begins marching to the field, it looks super calm and intimidating from the outside. Come a little closer, though, and you’ll hear the jokes we tell to those in front of us in line or the sound of upperclassmen commanding “Left!” at those out of step. The line walking to the field is one of the most important moments to the whole show, I think. It’s when we calm each others’ nerves and get the crowd’s initial opinion of us before we even play.

Fast forward to after half-time, the most exciting and relieving part of the game. The band has just knocked the crowd out with an amazing performance. We gather behind the locker room for our last ritual, the chant. Its volume may be heard from the bleachers. Its message wraps up the whole experience.

“Band, how are your heels?” “Together!” “Stomachs?” “In!” “Chests?” “Out!” “Shoulders?” “Back!” “Elbows?” “Frozen!” “Chins?” “Up!”

“Eyes?” “With Pride!”

“Eyes?” “With PRIDE!!”

“Eyes?” “WITH PRIDE!!!!!”