Anatomy Field Trip to SLU: Human Dissection!
This year Mrs. Hensen decided to change things for the Anatomy and Physiology class. Due to uncontrollable circumstances, the original field trip to watch a reproductive system dissection on a human at SLU got canceled.
Thanks to Mrs. Hensen, the class got to go on a new field trip to SLU on May 17th. We went to the St. Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri, to participate in a hands-on lab activity with a human cadaver.
As we arrived, we were greeted by the staff and were led to the lecture hall to meet the main professor. After we got seated, he began to tell us all of the rules as well as answering any questions that we had. One of the rules for Scratch Pad was not to take pictures of the operating theater.
When the informative lecture was over, we went downstairs to the lab, where we were split into two groups of 16. We then put on gloves, and each group gathered around the table on which the human cadaver was lying. The professor assigned two of his students to guide us through the anatomy of the human body by dissecting the human cadaver and letting us touch some of the body parts such as the brain and heart. The assistant in my group made clear that they cover the body’s face with a towel to protect the identity of the body that was donated. As she showed us the anatomy, she made sure to answer all of our questions and inform us of cool facts that we never knew before.
After the activity was over, we took off our gloves, washed our hands, and took a group picture outside. We then headed to South County Mall where we ate lunch and got to shop! Once we were done, we headed back to the high school. This would be a trip that I will NEVER forget!

Malayna Lynn Elrod is a true hippie when it comes to her heart. She is a proud feminist, animal activist, and the best sister in the world. Malayna is...