Love is in the Air
A diagram of the 5 Love Languages.
May 5, 2022
Adoration, endearment, lust, passion, infatuation, and devotion are all things you can use to describe love, and according to Gary Chapman (Ph.D.—author, speaker, and counselor), it can be broken into five languages. Knowing these languages can be more useful than you think. Love isn’t just all about a romantic relationship. It might seem silly, but love can be displayed in just a simple conversation with a friend or a family member.
Love is an important feeling to master; without love, unwanted feelings can become a burden. No one wants to live a life feeling lonely, angry, and sad, but if you incorporate love into your life and your relationships there is almost certain happiness. Kindness and love go hand-in-hand when it comes to interacting with others. Gary Chapman says, “All of us blossom when we feel loved and wither when we do not feel loved.” Chapman’s whole philosophy is based on treating others with love and I also believe that once we start treating others with compassion, life for everyone will become phenomenal. The easiest way to do this is to familiarize yourself with the love languages and to know which one you or your loved one might relate to the most.

The five love languages are; Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. The most effortless way to figure yours out is to take the most-used quiz on the Internet called “5 Love Languages.” This website’s mission is to help you learn more about yourself, by analyzing the answers you submit and giving you an in-depth graphic of your primary languages.
Finding out your love language is important, but it cannot benefit you unless you understand how to work with it. The love languages are quite simple. Words of Affirmation can be described as just being more expressive with your emotions. With Words of Affirmation, kind and encouraging words will be your best friend. Quality Time is different because everything depends on the attention you are receiving or giving. A person whose love language is Quality Time wants to spend time with a loved one that is impactful and meaningful to the relationship.
Receiving Gifts is another special love language. As 5 Love Languages says, “Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift.” With this, you definitely don’t want to miss an opportunity to do something special. Acts of Service is unique in its own way because it’s rare for someone will feel love just by the ease of a simple chore, but it happens and it speaks volumes. Contrarily, you may find that Physical Touch is the most common love language because people thrive off the safety and love they feel when they receive thoughtful touches.
Just a little change in how you treat a loved one can go a long way. Everyone has the power to make someone’s day just a little better and with the help of this new information, it can be even easier.