2022 Tennis Districts

Haley Tucker

Sydney Bell returning the ball during her singles match against AV.

Lizzie Crouch, Editor

On October 1st the Ladycat tennis team headed to Potosi to wrap up their crazy season. After taking fourth overall in the MAAA conference tournament, the girls were more than ready to head into their district matches. The tournament had its ups and downs, but the girls made it out with some great achievements. Sydney Bell, a senior this year and the team’s number-one player, says, “I was excited to go into the districts because I was determined to walk away with a placement.” Sydney Bell used her strengths this year not only to push the team toward multiple victories but to lead them to be better athletes on and off the court. You could see this clearly after Bell finished the day with third place in number one singles while also cheering each and every one of her teammates on while she was taking her occasional breaks.

Nevertheless, the other athletes weren’t able to find success in their matches that day. However, they were able to walk away with the friendships they had made over the season. The girls bonded over many things, and you can tell that this created an unbreakable team dynamic. One of the team’s favorite adventures is notably going out to eat at Lamberts Café. Besides enjoying delicious food, they were able to come together and get to know each other on a deeper level. Hopefully, the trust and the connections they have made over the 2022 season will push the girls to do great things in their future seasons.