FHS Basketball Homecoming ’22
2023 Homecoming King and Queen, Andrew Starkey and Lydia Mell.
January 3, 2023
For the 2022-23 basketball season, homecoming was held just before Christmas break, perfect for celebrating the end of the semester.
During basketball homecoming week there were dress-up days. On Monday, students wore pajamas to school for the day. On Tuesday, each grade was to dress up as something that started with their assigned letters; freshmen were the letter C, sophomores were the letter A, juniors were the letter T, and seniors were the letter S. With each grade combined, the letters spelled out CATS. On Wednesday, students dressed up as BBQ Dads and Soccer Moms. Once again on Thursday, each grade dressed up as something different. This time it was the different stages of life. Freshmen were babies, sophomores were pre-teens, juniors were young adults, and seniors were senior-citizens. Lastly, on Friday, students celebrated school spirit by wearing the school colors, black and gold.
Each homecoming, male and female candidates are selected to be voted for, by students, for homecoming king and queen. The male candidates for this year’s basketball homecoming were Isaac Pirtle, Eli England, Emmett Smith-Jarvis, McCoy Clark, Grant Wagner, Sam Coleman, and Andrew Starkey. The female candidates were Kaitlyn Maas, Lydia Mell, Madison Holland, Ania McLaughlin, Emma Wengler, Keira Haferkamp, Laura Mayhew, Lizzie Crouch, Sydney Bell, and Ryan Nelson.
Later at the basketball game that was held that Friday, the homecoming king and queen were announced. The selected 2023 Basketball Homecoming King this year was Andrew Starkey. The female candidate that was chosen for 2023 Basketball Homecoming Queen was Lydia Mell. Congratulations to both winners!