Humans of Fredmo: Clara Basden

Clara Basden

Clara Basden’s crocheted stuffed animals

Haley Tucker, Writer

In Fredericktown, we have some very talented and hard-working people. Some of these people are even in our school.

Clara Basden is currently a sophomore in high school and is involved in tennis, FFA, Beta, and scholar bowl. She loves crocheting,  cooking, painting, and reading. In addition, she enjoys spending her time outside and with animals. Along with all these things, she is an excellent student and always keeps her grades up.

Crocheting is something that a lot of people do. This craft can just be for fun or to start a business dedicated to selling what you crochet. Clara is one of those people who mainly crochets for fun. Clara answered some commonly asked questions about crocheting and shared some details about how she got into it.

What sparked an interest in crocheting?

“My grandma got me into crocheting, and once I learned how, I couldn’t stop! It’s also fun to spend time with her crocheting.” 

How did you start crocheting?

“My grandma taught me some of the basics, and then a retired middle school teacher taught me some more advanced techniques. I also learned a little from YouTube.” 

How long does it typically take you to crochet something?

“Depending on the size it can take as little as 15 minutes, or as long as 2-3 days.” 

Do you sell what you crochet? If so, when and where?

 “I typically sell my crochet through a local small business, but I have also sold them on Facebook. I sell the most at the Azalea Festival and on Small Business Saturday.” 

Do you plan on making a business, or do you think that you are going to continue to do it for fun?

“I think I will continue to crochet for fun in the long run. It’s nice to sell some of the things I have made every once in a while though.” 

What would you tell someone who wants to start crocheting but is too nervous about it?

“I would tell them that it might look hard, but once you get the hang of it, it’s really easy. If you really want to learn it, and put in time and effort, you’ll be crocheting like a pro in no time!”

Crocheting is a very time-consuming and fun hobby according to Clara and many others. The things that people make from crocheting can sometimes be mind-blowing. For Clara, crocheting is something that she loves to do to bond with family members and something that she does in her free time. Along with her, there are many talented people, such as artists, carpenters, singers, musicians that are in Fredericktown, Missouri!