Guitar Club
Mr.Maas, Hunter Bellew, Jacob Pinkley, Devin Martin, and Brent Turnbough pose for the camera with their guitars.
September 29, 2017
Have you ever felt like listening to a good tune while eating pizza? Well you might wanna check out Guitar Club! Even if you don’t have any musical talent, this is your chance to learn! Who can join Guitar Club? Well if you have an interest in stringed instruments then you will thrive in this club. So why should you join? Well anyone who has a passion for guitar and pizza should consider passing by. So what do the students in Guitar Club do besides play the guitar? Well they study chords, improvise different patterns of playing, study techniques and methods used by successful musicians, oh and eat whenever possible. Sounds like a lot of fun, right? The purpose of Guitar Club is not only dealing with Mr.Maas not paying attention, but its to learn to be better guitar players and to foster an appreciation for the art of playing guitar. But when exactly is Guitar Club? Mr.Maas said that its every Monday from 3-5 p.m. That’s not so bad now is it? Neither is having fieldtrips. Guitar Club doesn’t have any fieldtrips now, but there will possibly be some in the future. So don’t be a bum, learn how to strum! By joining Guitar Club, your perspective on guitars will change forever.