Cape Notre Dame Just Got Served
Taylor Starkey, a senior, hustling to a ball.
September 21, 2018
The Fredericktown Ladycats faced off against the Notre Dame Bulldogs on Monday, September 17. The first time these two teams ever faced each other was back in 2011. For six years the Ladycats were never able to beat the Bulldogs, until now. This year during Notre Dame’s senior night, our team overcame their six years of misfortune and got the win. The overall score was 5-4 it was a close one but despite this they still shared their cupcakes with us which, by the way, were amazing!
I’m glad that the seniors get to be apart of this and wrap up their high school tennis career knowing how special and important they are to us. I truly believe we can do it again next year. Our tennis team is one of the most successful sports team Fredericktown has but most people don’t know that since it is not a well-known sport. Sure we don’t have our stands full of fans, an actual concession stand, or even a big bus (yes, we all cram onto a small bus), but we have each other and that is enough for us. So, I encourage you to try and get out to the courts and come support! It means so much to know that we have you guys behind us. Lets go cause a racket ladies!