Go Gators!!

Billie Hinkle

Taylor Starkey and VIctoria Peppers with their mini gators.

Liz Hinkle, Writer

Taylor Starkey and Victoria Peppers are the gators. Last year during the tennis season they came up with the idea to call themselves the gators and they have stuffed animals and water bottles to prove it.

The gators have come a long way this year, they made it all the way to sectionals and fought to try to go to state. Sadly, they didn’t make it. The rest of the Ladycat tennis team was sad to hear the news, but we’re proud of them anyways.

One of their biggest supporters is Leta Starkey, who has been to every single game to support not only her daughter Taylor, but the whole team as well. The team will not be the same without her either.

We have all bonded together this year whether it’s camping in the back of Taylor’s yard, having a pool party, or just talking on the bus. Bonding is a necessity for every team if you want a true sister/brotherhood, which makes it very difficult when the end of the season comes around and you have to let go of your seniors. I love these girls with my whole heart and so does everyone else that get to know them.