Fruit Sales, Barnwarmin’, and Greenhand Motivational Conference

Kaitlin Whitmore

The lights are low for a fun evening at the Barnwarmin’ dance.

Ruth Walker, Writer

FFA has been busy the past two months, with the fruit sales, Barnwarmin’, and Greenhand Motivational Conference to top it off. These events are all a big deal to FFA. The Greenhand Motivational Conference happened most recently, it falling on January 9th, 2020.

The Greenhand Motivation Conference takes place at Southeast Missouri’s campus every year.  It’s a way for Fredricktown’s freshmen and Ag Science I students to meet other students from across the state. The state FFA officers have different leaderships workshops throughout the day.

The FFA students did fruit sales to raise money for the FFA building and greenhouse. The fruit sales occur yearly around Christmas time. The type of fruits they were selling were apples, oranges, pears and grapefruits. They also sold meat packs. Brittney Snow says she sold 20 items and made 200 dollars.

Barnwarmin’ is a dance for FFA students that includes fun activities and the crowning of the Barnwarmin’ candidates. The Barnwarmin’ candidates were chosen by the students. There was a boy and a girl candidate for each grade. Kenlee Montgomery and Alex Ellis were the senior candidates.  The 11th grade candidates were Dylan Thurman and Gennifer Matlock. This year’s sophomore candidates were Sophie Rehkop and Grant Ebert. The freshmen candidates were Kaia Sumptar and Kaleb Walker. The Barnwarmin’ activities included square dancing and some other fun games.