Batter Up!

Garrett Marler (10) pitching as a starter for varsity.

Keira Haferkamp, Writer

Fredericktown Baseball has started! The season started off with a bang. Our boys have been working hard every day after school at practices and games getting ready and preparing for their upcoming season. They have quite a bit of potential and always strive for greatness. Even though some of their games have been canceled due to bad weather, the boys have participated in many other games and tournaments which they have all gave 100% effort toward while participating.

The April 22, 2021, Central game was a great example of that. However, this away game was varsity only. During the game they gave great effort and dedication to our Fredericktown baseball team. The boys played together well as a whole to try their best against a very good opponent. No matter what happened, they know they showed the best sportsmanship they could and kept a great attitude throughout the whole thing.

Even though our Fredericktown boys lost, they had fun while playing. The ending score was 0-15 in favor of Central, but it was very entertaining to watch. Our pitchers had some pretty throws, and the boys were very aggressive overall while on the diamond. They definitely showed up ready to play and try their hardest to beat the Central baseball team. The boys who got on base or got to hit the ball had some great base running skills. They were quick and attentive to everything that was going on around them and watched each play all the way through before making any decisions that could alter the game.

Overall, our Fredericktown Baseball players are hard-working, dedicated, and amazing athletes that try their best in any games they play. They do not go into it with a losing mindset, and I personally admire them for that. They always do their best in any way they can.