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Scratch Pad

The Student News Site of Fredericktown High School

Scratch Pad

Scratch Pad

Keira Haferkamp

Keira Haferkamp, Writer

This is Keira. She's a sophomore in high school and this is her first year of Scratchpad. She spends her spare time playing Ladycats softball and accidentally getting hurt. She is very forgetful and blames it on her concussion that she got back in September. She wants to eventually become a veterinarian - if she makes it that far - and live a decent life. The bar is low. Keira is often angry and has an attitude to make up for her lack of height. She is very dyslexic and doesn't know how she's in any advanced classes. She applies herself most of the time and does decently with school work and sports. She often spends time at home or softball because she gets so busy all the time. When she can, Keira can usually be seen hanging out with Laura Mayhew. They usually have a lot of fun together because they're both kind of stupid.

All content by Keira Haferkamp