2020-2021 Beta Club

Emmalea Cooper (9) saying the pledge to be inducted into Beta.

Keira Haferkamp, Writer

2020-2021 Fredericktown Beta Club is full of amazing, talented, and smart students. Beta has so much potential and strive for greatness no matter what the situation is. Usually this club is very involved or active in our Fredericktown High School and does a lot of things such as run concession stands for sports games, can food drives, fundraisers, and even toy drives. The club usually is very busy and the students try to collect as many points as they need to stay in Beta.

Covid-19 has put an extreme amount of pressure and stress on our school’s clubs, sports, and events. This years’ Beta Convention was even held online virtually. We had some students enter into a few  of these competitions and even place in the top 5. Some of the students who entered were Paxton Clark, who placed 5th in painting, Curtis Lewis, who entered into the history testing, Erin Watkins, who entered into the science testing, and Clayton Martin, who entered into the math testing. All of these students tried their best and did wonderfully in their categories even though it was online this year. We are all very proud of our participants and hope to see them enter again next year.

Overall, the 2020-2021 Beta Club has had an amazing year. Even with Covid-19, the club stayed active and participated in as many things they possibly could have. The members and teachers who are involved in the club are talented and bright people who will go onto do amazing things.