Here’s the Kicker

Democrat News

Marcos Navarrete (10) kicking off the ball after an unsuccessful attempt at the goal by Notre Dame.

Lucy Pham, Editor

Rain or shine, the soccer boys can take on any weather. This was the case on October 7th, one of the many rainy days that week. Due to it raining minutes prior before and during the game, the field was muddy and the climate was uncomfortably warm and humid. But this wasn’t something the soccer boys couldn’t handle! They were used to practicing in various weather conditions including rain and cold. Tonight’s game was against Cape Notre Dame, a team known for their talent in sports. However, that didn’t deter the boys, who kept pushing through and defending their goal.

Seeing as this was the boys’ first time back on the pitch after 11 days, the first half of the game was rough. Many errors were made including slipping due to the rain and having problems with general communication. This affected their play, giving 4 points to the Notre Dame team. However, those weren’t easy points. By stealing, herding, grouping and defending, the Blackcat team fought tooth and nail to keep the ball away from the opposing team. This persistence lasted all throughout the game and the boys came through, scoring a goal in the second half. Noticing the change in pace, the Notre Dame team decided to switch up their strategy and began targeting the mid-field. Junior McCoy Clark, a midfielder, stated, “To be a midfielder, you have to do your job to defend and occupy, and if you don’t, that can cost you a goal.”

Sadly, their perseverance was overshadowed by the Notre Dame’s skill and the Blackcat soccer team lost the game 1-9. This loss is one of many in the season, but in every single game, they fought hard to defend and attack. The team is making progress, and players are becoming more of a family as the season goes on. Although the season is coming to an end in a few more games, you can catch the boys at their various upcoming tournaments.