New Teachers of FHS and Crash Course Advisors!

Mrs. Cole is a very busy teacher, who does a lot of hands-on things. Some of the classes she teaches are family meals and child development. She is also head of the FHS club FCCLA.
Cole states she has a lot of experience teaching. She has stayed in Missouri teaching at these schools; Lesterville High, South Iron High, Marquand Zion High, New Madrid Tech School, East Carter High, and Zalma High. Wow, it seems Cole has much experience in teaching. Mrs. Cole has a BA degree in vocational family and consumer sciences education and a master’s in human environmental studies.
Mrs. Cole tells why she became a teacher. “I became a teacher because while I was doing my original degree, I substituted and enjoyed doing that, so I switched my major to education.”
Cole then talks about highlights of teaching and things she doesn’t like quite as much. “My favorite part of teaching is when you make a difference in a student’s life. My least favorite is when you want to help a student, but they will not allow you to help them. The hardest part is all the hours of planning, grocery shopping and days I am away from my family.” Being away from family can be really hard as a teacher!
Mrs. Cole says a little about FCCLA. “I do FCCLA and that is great because I am able to give students an opportunity like going to Jefferson City to shadow a Legislator and they may not be able to ever do that or helping the community.”
Lastly, Cole states she went to school here for 13 years! She says “I am glad to be able to teach in the same room I attended class in.” FHS is glad to have you back, we hope to see more exciting things from FCCLA and your classes Mrs. Cole!

Mr. Rowl teaches American History to freshmen and US History through film/pop culture. He had previously taught at Jackson high school in Missouri last year. There he taught world history and Psychology. Rowl received his BA degree at SEMO.
Sometimes we as people take action into one thing and can find love for another. Mr. Rowl experienced this firsthand, he explains “When I was in the Marine Corps, I learned that I really had a knack for mentoring the younger Marines. I had taught a few professional development courses as well. I decided I liked the thought of continuing to mentor young people and teaching. I thought that pursuing a career in public education would fulfill that desire to help young people achieve their goals.” Yes, it’s true, Mr. Rowl was in the Marine Corps! Rowl was actually not able to be here at FHS for the first two weeks of this school year due to finishing up his deployment. FHS is more than proud to have a former Marine walk these halls and advise the students. Thank you for your service, Mr. Rowl and thank you for choosing FHS. We are so glad to have a superhero like you!
Mr. Rowl goes into deep detail about some of his favorite things that make teaching worth his while, “My favorite part is the building relationships with the students. Every student and every class period are different. That’s what makes it both the best and hardest part. Learning to be adaptable because the same lesson will not work in every single class period, you have to adjust based on the students and interests in the room. ”
Teaching and coaching can be tough, but Mr. Rowl finds it rewarding- ” I really enjoyed working with and coaching football this past Fall. It takes a lot of time and effort, but it is definitely worth it when your hard work pays off, but more importantly when the athletes see their hard work pay off in a victory.”
Mr. Rowl wants FHS to know that he’s here to talk. “I’m always approachable. I’ve had a wide range of life experiences, so I am always willing to lend an ear or give students advice. (Especially military-related questions). Those conversations and big decisions you all start to face as high schoolers are what I look forward to helping with the most.”

Mrs. Katherine Taylor is the quior instructor here at FHS. She has teaching experience starting from 2003. She has taught at Lesterville, Greenville, New Haven, and Richwoods, all in Missouri. She received her BA at Lindenwood University.
As a quior teacher, it’s no surprise that Taylor has a passion for music. She doesn’t just like watching students grow but watching them grow as musicians is what she teaches for. “The fulfillment of guiding students through their learning journey has always been my aspiration, and witnessing their progress and growth brings me immense joy.” She says she also enjoys extra activities in general, “it gives students an extra opportunity to display their skills.”
Mrs. Taylor didn’t have much to say about the struggles of teaching, but she stated that the hardest part is watching her students graduate, so bittersweet!
Thank you, Mrs. Taylor, for contributing to our music program and making it even more amazing!

Ms. Rinacke teaches biology for our sophomores. This is her first-year teaching! Miss Rinacke received her Associates of Science degree from Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey, Illinois. She then earned her bachelor’s degree in Secondary Biology Education from Southeast Missouri State University last May.
Rinacke explains how teaching peeked her interests: ” I have always loved science and the outdoors. I learned that I loved working with kids when I worked as a full-time substitute teacher while finishing my degree. Becoming a high school science teacher was something that includes both those things.”
“My favorite part of teaching would have to be how no two days are the same. Each day brings new opportunities and surprises. I also love the content I teach and all the hands-on activities we can do in class.” Rinacke goes on to explain her struggles with teaching: “My biggest struggle of teaching would have to be finding enough time in the day to get everything done. I am a huge procrastinator and get sidetracked pretty easily.” Teachers stay very busy!
Ms. Rinacke lets us get to know more of her home life and things she enjoys. ” I currently live in Marble Hill with my 3-month-old son, Quade, and my dog, Ladybird. We love spending time outdoors, going to the river, and watching movies. I would thank my parents and my grandma for always supporting me. I would also thank Mrs. Rebecca Henson for being a great mentor and always answering my never-ending questions!” Shoutout to Mrs. Henson! Thank you Ms. Rinacke for choosing FHS.