This spring, our art classes were involved in many things. Some of their projects included glass mosaics and clay sculptures. Pictures of said projects can be found in this article. A few students were selected to be asked questions that were mostly about their feelings related to art class.
How do these students find inspiration for their art? Lizzy Buff (10) said JROTC was her inspiration. Sarinah Lewis (11) said she got her ideas from Pinterest many times. Hailey Hilderbrand (11) said “family and friends” were her main idea sources. And Gus Ahern (9) said he draws anything that comes to his mind.
How do these students find and keep motivation to create? Lizzy said, “My brain.” Sarinah claimed, “Mrs. Smithey.” Hailey said a “positive mindset” was important. Gus said he just simply follows whatever Mrs. Smithey tells him to do.
What are these students’ favorite and least favorite parts about art? Lizzy said that she does not like “how long it takes,” but she really appreciates “how it turns out at the end.” Sarinah said, “You can make literally anything” as a positive; however, “it’s difficult to make something new” is a negative. Hailey said, “It is always slow in art” as a negative. Gus said, “It is an easy class to do” as a positive.
What are these students’ ultimate career goals? Lizzy said she plans on going to college and joining the army. Sarinah said her ultimate goal is “to just be happy in life.” Hailey said, “I want to graduate and to get a high-paying job.” And Gus says, “Graduate high school and be successful in life.”
When asked what their ideal working environment was, the students replied with these statements. Lizzy said that she prefers to work with nice people around. Sarinah said she wants to be “surrounded by positive people.” Hailey said she likes a “positive and quiet environment,” and Gus agreed that he works best with quiet sounds.
After hard work and determination, these students have created beautiful pieces of art! FHS can’t wait to share more of these outstanding pieces at their art show on Saturday, May 11!