FHS Honors Athletes at Spring Assembly
Students of the Month and high scorers on EOC tests also among those honored
Members of the spring athletic program include track, girls soccer, golf, and Scholar Bowl teams. The baseball team, en route to Arkansas, was not available for this picture.
May 28, 2019
For the first time ever, athletes of Blackcat and Ladycat spring sports took their moments in the spotlight.
Administration responded this year to a student-led movement to incorporate track, baseball, girls soccer, golf, and Scholar Bowl teams into the long tradition of athletes honored in front of the student body. Football has its homecoming, basketball has its homecoming, but—in spite of having a spring athletic banquet in May to congratulate the players of each team in front of members of other sports teams— there was previously no event at which the rest of the student body could show their appreciation of these athletes.
That has changed.
Principal Craig Gibbs announced that he was pleased when he heard students ask for this recognition for their classmates. He says that FHS plans to continue to hold this event in subsequent years in conjunction with other honors normally given in the spring. Unfortunately, the baseball team could not join us this year as they were already en route to the Equity Bank Sports Complex in Harrison, Arkansas, to participate in the Ozark Classic.
In addition to acknowledging the contributions of our athletes, FHS in conjunction with the Fredericktown Rotary Club awarded Student of the Month certificates and gifts to teens nominated by their teachers in the physical education, science, social studies, and vocational education departments and selected by the faculty at large. All student of the month winners were invited to a banquet honoring them at 6 p.m. on April 15 at Pinecrest, and several seniors were awarded scholarships at that time.
Athletic abilities and classroom cooperation were not the only talents celebrated in this assembly. We had entered EOC (end-of-course) testing season with the government test earlier that week, English II due the next week, biology to follow, Algebra I to come in early May, and a pioneer of the English I test to close our assessment window. Once again, FHS was able to encourage students to do their best this year by drawing for monetary prizes from among those who scored “Proficient” or “Advanced” on any of last year’s tests.
FHS celebrates the athletic and academic accomplishments of our students!